It has been estimated that OpenEMR is installed successfully inover 15,000 healthcare facilities globally. With such a large audience and some incredible business-friendly features, OpenEMR software is becoming a highly chosen option in many healthcare organizations. While there are a range of options available for supporting OpenEMR users, and many of them are free, it is vital that you choose Professional OpenEMR Support Specialist to ensure you obtain the best possible support for your Healthcare Facility.

We provide Professional OpenEMR Services as follows:

  • Technical Support
  • Configuration
  • Customization
  • Development
  • Training
  • Documentation
  • Hosting Services
  • Forms Digitization

OpenEMR Hosting services

  • Latest OpenEMR instance
  • Business hour support
  • 24/7 server support
  • Dialy data backup (2 week retention)
  • Data recovery

Cantact us for more information

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